3Chi is firmly committed to developing the highest quality products for all consumers. They began as pioneers in science-based cannabinoid products and research and were the first commercial developer of hemp-derived minor cannabinoid products, including Delta 8 THC, CBN, and tailored cannabinoid blend products.
They use only high quality natural and organic hemp and has the most advanced and capable cannabis R&D and production in the industry, allowing 3Chi to consistently deliver the most potent and pure CBD, THC, and minor cannabinoid products. 3CHI truly is ‘The Gold Standard.’
What is Delta 8 THC?
Delta 8 THC is an isomer of CBD and another cannabinoid found in hemp and hemp extracts. While Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC have similar names, they are distinctly different compounds with distinctly different characteristics, and there are clear-cut reasons why Delta 8 THC was made fully federally legal by H.R. 2: The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 and Delta 9 THC was limited to a maximum content of 0.3%.
What is CBN?
CBN is a degradation product of Delta 9 THC with minimal intoxication and is reported to be great at providing calming sensations and nighttime relief.
Delta 8 Gummies don’t always do well in hot climates. These edibles are not heat resistant in warmer temperatures. Be aware that your edibles are at a higher risk of melting while in transit.
If your gummies have melted into a (delicious) singular gummy blob, a quick remedy is to place them in the freezer for up to 1 hour. Once frozen, open the bag at the sides and cut into equal pieces. Precise dosing requires a gram scale.