The history of hemp in America

The narrative of the American hemp industry is one of resilience and reinvention. Despite the upheavals, the hemp industry has demonstrated an ability to adapt and evolve. From its deep roots in the soil of colonial America to its robust growth today, hemp has shown it's a plant of the future.


From the humble hemp seed to CBD oil and hemp fiber, hemp continues to shape industries and lives. Look around you. Today the hemp production is not just surviving, but thriving, fueling a green revolution in fields from textiles to wellness.


As hemp cultivation continues to expand, hemp farmers are being presented with new opportunities and challenges, making it an exciting time to be part of the growing hemp industry.


Timeline of hemp history

A Timeline of Hemp in America


  • 1606: French botanist Louis Hebert sows the first hemp in North America in Port Royal, Acadia (present-day Nova Scotia).

  • 1619: Virginia colony enacts a law requiring every farmer to grow hemp in the British Colonies.



  • 1740s: Hemp becomes a cash crop alongside tobacco in several southern states. It's used for making rope, lamp fuel, and a variety of other products.

  • 1762: "Hemp Growers" are granted exemptions from military service in Virginia.

  • 1776: The Declaration of Independence is drafted on hemp paper.



  • 1841: 'Sea of Fire,' Kentucky's hemp market is booming, accounting for half of the U.S. hemp production. Congress passes a resolution which requires the US Navy to purchase hemp from American farmers to produce sails and cordage.



  • 1937: The Marijuana Tax Act places a tax on all cannabis sales, including hemp, making it hard for American farmers to continue growing hemp. This effectively began the decline of hemp.

  • 1941: World War II begins with the attack on Pearl Harbor cutting off foreign supply of jute fiber, also known as "Manila Hemp", from the Philippines.

  • 1942: The USDA creates the "Hemp for Victory" campaign, a video encouraging farmers to grow hemp for the war effort in order to create military products such as hemp cords, uniforms, rope, and canvas.

  • 1957: Last commercial hemp fields planted in Wisconsin, after which hemp was banned due to its relation to marijuana. Other fiber crops (cotton, jute, and sisal) and eventually synthetic fibers led the way.

  • 1970: The Controlled Substances Act was passed causing hemp to no longer be legally recognized differently than marijuana.



  • 2004: A court case (Hemp Industries Association vs. the Drug Enforcement Administration) permanently protects sales of hemp foods and body care products in the U.S.

  • 2007: The first hemp licenses were issued in more than 50 years to two North Dakota farmers.

  • 2014: President Obama signed the Farm Bill allowing pilot programs for hemp farming and hemp cultivation for research purposes.

  • 2015: The Industrial Hemp Farming Act (H.R. 525 and S. 134) were introduced in the House and Senate. This act is the first of several attempts to fully legalize hemp.

  • 2018: The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill, is signed, legalizing the cultivation of industrial hemp in the U.S.



  • 2021: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) establishes final rules regulating the production of hemp in the United States.

  • 2023: Hemp industry continues to flourish today, with increasing use of hemp in industries such as textiles, building materials, and wellness products.


Hemp in Popular Culture

The evolution of hemp in popular culture is a fascinating journey, from the fringes to the heart of mainstream acceptance. Hemp, often portrayed in music and movies as a symbol of counterculture and rebellion, has risen above its simple symbolism to cement a tangible presence in our daily lives.


As much as it embodies freedom and nonconformity in artistic narratives, it also stands as a beacon of practicality. You can now find hemp seed oil sharing shelf space with high-end skincare lines and hemp fabric being used by avant-garde fashion designers.


Hemp's cultural expedition reflects broader societal shifts and our evolving perceptions of this extremely versatile plant. It has transitioned from being a vilified entity to a celebrated marvel of nature, signaling our growing understanding and acceptance.


Today, you can find hemp's influence in CBD shops and wellness stores, where products like hemp derived THC and CBD-infused delicacies are blended together catering to the health consciousness with culinary artistry. This shift indicates hemp's progression from a misunderstood rebel to an icon of sustainable innovation and forward-thinking in our contemporary world.


Understanding the origins of hemp in America

Understanding the Origin of Hemp in America

Imagine journeying back to the beginnings of the "New World," where the history of hemp in America takes root. The early settlers, and even Native American tribes, recognized the value of hemp cultivation. Early settlers brought new strains of hemp seeds and even found that Native Americans had already been cultivating hemp for fabric dating back to 1605.


It's no question that hemp played an important role in establishing Colonial America, serving as a versatile resource used for producing hemp fiber and hemp oil. In this age, hemp was so valued that farmers could even pay taxes with it. Such was the influence of hemp in shaping America's agricultural landscape.


Fast forward to the Colonial Era, where hemp continued to be a staple crop. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp plants on their lands. Benjamin Franklin began one of America's first paper mills using hemp fiber.


The hemp plant, with its robust hemp fibers, was extensively used for making ropes, sails, and clothing. This period marked a golden era of hemp production in America, establishing the American hemp market and the importance of hemp in everyday life.


Exploring the Historical Legality of Hemp

The passage of the Marihuana Tax Act in 1937 cast a long shadow over the hemp industry. This Act conflated hemp and marijuana, leading to a drastic reduction in hemp production.


A short reprieve came during World War II, when the federal government, with the "Hemp for Victory" campaign, briefly revived the industry to support the war effort. However, this was short-lived, and the Controlled Substances Act further complicated the legal status of hemp.


Your journey now leads you to a pivotal point—the shift in perception of hemp extract from demonization to decriminalization. Against the backdrop of changing societal attitudes and increased understanding of the cannabis plant, the 21st century brought some relief. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the list of controlled substances, giving American farmers the green light to finally grow hemp again.


With the passing of this bill hemp cultivation was no longer reserved to the state departments and universities alone. It established farmers rights to water, federal agricultural grants, and crop insurance, as well as the legal access to national banking.


Hemps role in the American economy

The Role of Hemp in American Economy

You've seen the rise and fall of industrial hemp, which was once America's lost crop. The prohibitions during the 20th century suppressed the potential of the whole hemp growing industry. Yet, this was not the end.


With the legislation changes, a new chapter began, and hemp started to reclaim its spot in the American economy. A resurgence in hemp farming led to the reopening of hemp processing plants, bringing new jobs and opportunities.


It's not just about the past; it's about today and the future. Unearthing the economic potential of hemp in the modern age is like opening a treasure chest of opportunities. From hemp seed oil to CBD and THC products, the modern US hemp manufacturing is now diverse and innovative, driving economic growth and providing benefits to both farmers and consumers.


Hemp derived THC

Tracing the Evolution of Hemp-Derived THC

Now, let's delve into the history of industrial production of hemp-derived THC. The THC content in American hemp has been a point of contention and regulation. However, through selective breeding and advanced extraction techniques, the hemp plant has been tailored to meet legal THC requirements. The evolution of hemp-derived THC is a testament to human ingenuity and the plant's inherent versatility.


With advancements and innovations in hemp-derived THC, the possibilities are endless. Think about the wellness benefits of CBD oil, derived from the cannabis sativa plant, the cannabis family of which hemp is a member. The development of safe, effective, and legal hemp-derived THC products such as Delta 8 THC, Delta 9 THC, THC-P, HHC, and other more rare cannabinoids represents a significant milestone in the history of hemp.


Demystifying Hemp: When Should You Consider It?

It's easy to get confused with all the myths and misconceptions surrounding hemp. The key is to educate yourself, understand the facts, and make an informed choice. From the health implications of hemp seed oil to the versatile uses of hemp fiber, understanding hemp means empowering yourself to navigate the world of hemp and its derivatives.


So, when should you consider using hemp products? Whether it's incorporating CBD or Delta 8 THC into your daily routine or choosing sustainable hemp fabric, the right time is when you feel informed and confident. Remember, it's about making decisions that align with your lifestyle and values.


If you are looking to buy hemp derived THC products, be sure to check out Everyday Delta who is committed to educating everyday individuals of the potential benefits of hemp derived products like CBD and Delta 8. They also offer a wide range of products to fit your needs, regardless of your goals from Delta 9 gummies to CBD pet products.


Should you use hemp products

Ensuring Safe Hemp Use: How Can You Make Informed Decisions?

Understanding the history of hemp, from its ancient roots to its modern position in society, gives you the knowledge to make smart choices. This is where the role of the Department of Agriculture and the state departments of agriculture comes into play, as they provide guidelines and regulations to ensure the safety and quality of hemp products for end consumers.


Knowing what to look for when choosing hemp products can make all the difference. Look for quality, transparency, and reliability. Whether it's THC or CBD oil for your wellness routine or hemp fiber for your home, making smart choices means choosing products that align with your lifestyle, your values, and your needs.


All reputable hemp derived CBD and THC products should be accompanied by third-party lab testing to verify its legal status as well as indicate that it is free of any harmful chemical and byproducts.


The Future of Hemp

Hemp's journey doesn't end at the borders of America. The story of hemp has included a global narrative. From ancient Persian religions that revered hemp as "Sacred Grass" (one of five sacred plants), to modern day China leading the world in hemp paper production, hemp’s history spans across continents and cultures.


As you look towards the future, consider the potential for international collaboration and exchange in the hemp industry. By learning from each other, we can drive innovation, ensure sustainability, and unlock the full potential of hemp. You're not just a passive observer of hemp today; you're a participant whether you realize it or not.