What are we looking for?

Everyday Delta is looking for micro-influencers. We look for accounts with 1k or more followers, who post regularly (4 posts per month, or more) about industry-related content, with more than 25 posts on their feed. We are looking for people who embody Delta 8 and the benefits it gives them, whether that is health, fitness, or fun. 

We appreciate your support and desire to represent Everyday Delta!

Benefits of becoming an ambassador




As an ambassador you have the opportunity to earn commissions with Everyday Delta! You can earn up to 7% commission from anyone that uses your code as a Tier 3 Ambassador. Your personal discount code will be given to you with your welcome email. This code can be shared within and outside of your social and personal network.

When a sale is completed using your code for commissionable products the system will assign the sale to you and the commission associated with it. This is all tracked and reported monthly.

Once you receive your welcome email and instructions, you will be able to create a personal code that will replace the system generated one.

Once an ambassador, you will be given other means to communicate as well.



Please make sure your Instagram or TikTok profile is set to public. Thank you!

  • All BRAND AMBASSADORS are asked to post twice a month on your Instagram feed or Facebook timeline.
  • All BRAND AMBASSADORS are asked to FOLLOW @Everydayd8 and @Everydayd8_backup pages and LIKE and Comment as soon as possible after each post is made.
  • BRAND AMBASSADORS are asked to promote and share products that Everyday Delta carries as often as convenient.
  • BRAND AMBASSADORS are asked to interact, like, and comment within their own social media channels. Engagement is key.
  • All Brand AMBASSADORS are asked to repost our giveaways and contests.
  • All BRAND AMBASSADORS are asked to use as many of our frequently used social hashtags, and we ask you to encourage your network to do the same: #ED8 #Everydaydelta #ED8ambassador 
  • BRAND AMBASSADORS will contribute to feedback requested on new, products, flavors, and giveaways.
  • All BRAND AMBASSADORS will not represent or promote other companies with competing products.