How to Cure a Weed Hangover

Weed hangovers… can catch you by surprise!


We all know when you drink too much alcohol, you're most likely going to have a hangover the next morning. Well, what if we told you that a weed hangover is a thing? A marijuana hangover is most common, but Delta 8 hangovers may happen depending on your tolerance and consumption method.


There is little research on weed hangovers, most studies have had far too few subjects to complete a full study. With little research on the subject, it is hard to give exact results, it's impossible to say if you will be hungover from the consumption of weed you took or not. Most users who have experienced this say that it is because they used too much THC.


No worries, we want you to have a great cannabis experience so let's dive into what a weed hangover is and how to find a weed hangover cure so you can enjoy the day and feel better after your sesh.


what is a weed hangover

What is a Weed Hangover?

A weed hangover is no different than the aftereffects of substances like alcohol. It's the negative influence that cannabinoids have on your body after over consumption. But don't worry, alcohol hangovers are way more severe than weed hangovers.


This may follow after overconsumption and may not happen every time. The only way to make sure you are staying within your limits of comfort is to start out low and assess how you are feeling before increasing your dosage.


A few symptoms of a hangover caused by alcohol are:

  • Dehydration
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increased anxiety
  • Muscle shakes
  • Severe headache
  • Mild Nausea
  • Persistent Headache
  • Brain Fog


Since cannabinoids interact directly with your brain, most users have reported the weed hangover aftereffects of a heavy night of marijuana smoking or overdoing it on edibles as unpleasant at best. Here are some of the most common weed hangover symptoms:


  • Feeling unsteady
  • Brian Fog
  • Memory problems
  • Dizziness
  • Cottonmouth
  • Red eyes
  • Nausea
  • Dry Mouth
  • Dry Eyes
  • Increased Heart Rate


Weed hangovers are most common with Delta 9 THC since it’s the cannabinoid that produces the strongest effect, but some users with lower tolerances have even reported instances of weed hangovers after consuming large amounts of Delta 8. Fatigue, lethargy, brain fog, and dry mouth can all be avoided with a proper game plan and a good understanding of what to avoid. 


what causes a weed hangover

What Causes a Weed Hangover?

Let's look at what could cause these weed hangover symptoms, so you avoid running into this problem, to begin with. 


Delta 8 THC Dosage

Many marijuana users who experience marijuana hangovers do report that they consumed more weed than usual. This happens more so with cannabis edibles because the amount of time it takes an edible to fully get into your system is way longer than other methods. Since it takes longer for an edible to kick in, you may find yourself being impatient and consuming more before the first dosage takes effect.


Since many weed hangovers occur from overconsumption of Delta 8 it is important to remember that tolerance levels vary greatly. You should start out with a lower dose and increase it as needed.


Dehydration Before Using THC

If you are dehydrated before consuming Delta 8, you may be more likely to have morning after effects. Make sure you stay hydrated so your body can properly flush out the THC the next morning and avoid dreaded weed hangovers. 


We suggest lots of water and an electrolyte drink, such as coconut water, before using Delta 8 or any other THC.


Combining other substances

Combining other substances with THC and other drugs can worsen the aftereffects of THC. You may feel worse the next day if you are drinking alcohol and consuming cannabis together. You might feel a horrible alcohol hangover and feel grogginess from the marijuana hangover. Make sure you avoid other substances to avoid a gnarly hangover.


Tolerance Level

Another important factor to consider is how often you smoke weed or consume cannabis edibles. Marijuana withdrawal can often be confused with a weed hangover. Common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal echo those of weed hangovers. 


For those heavy marijuana users with a high tolerance level, withdrawal symptoms can occur. If this is the case for you, we suggest working towards lowing your tolerance by spacing out how often you smoke weed or Delta 8 to every other day or even less frequently. 


How Long Does a Weed Hangover last?

Let's start with how long a weed hangover lasts then we will touch on how to get rid of it. Immediate effects of cannabis can typically last from one to four hours, this will all depend on the dose, potency, delivery method, tolerance, and metabolism.


If you feel cannabis related negative consequences, try going to sleep and see if they still appear the next morning. These adverse effects should resolve within 24 hours of your high, this number may vary. Drink plenty of hydrating fluids and get some rest and you should be feeling yourself in no time. Now let's get into how to fully cure a weed hangover.


how to cure a weed hangover

How to Cure a Weed Hangover

If you want to continue to enjoy your favorite cannabinoids and not have a miserable time the following day, follow these recovery process tips for the best weed hangover cure and potentially eliminate your weed hangover altogether.


Sleep it Off

This is typically the best one to do since weed hangovers may make you feel groggy and tired. Let time take its course and if you have no plans, take a nap and rest. This will allow your body to process the THC without you feeling any of the effects.


Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is very important to, not only stay hydrated before using THC but also stay hydrated after using THC. Staying hydrated before and after can have a huge impact on how you will feel the next day.


If drinking water is not doing the trick, try coconut water or a sports drink (with light sugar) to help keep you feeling hydrated.


Light Exercise

No one expects you to go to the gym and have a full leg day but doing some physical activity to get your blood flowing may help. A walk outside may help with brain fog by opening your lungs up and providing fresh oxygen.


Yoga or meditation can help ease the stress and help get your mind back into a clear state. Focus on deep breaths.



If you can't shake the tiredness, try some coffee or a low-caffeine tea to help wake you up. If you do this step don't forget to continue sipping on a drink that is hydrating since caffeine can dehydrate you.


Eat a Healthy Meal

Hangovers of any kind will have various effects on individuals depending on a lot of factors but one of the most important factors includes overall health. The healthy habits you have, the easier it is for your body to metabolize any substance you put into it, making the next day’s hangovers not as bad. Try working in some healthy food in a nutritious meal which will also do wonders for an upset stomach. 


Make sure you are eating enough healthy carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to properly fuel your body the next day. Make a meal that will not only satisfy the hangover but will also help you feel healthier and overall, better the next day.



There are indications that CBD may help with a weed hangover, but there is no scientific evidence on this yet. Grab your favorite CBD gummies and try to see if it helps ease the weed hangover.


Self-Care Day

If you have tried all of the above and nothing seems to be kicking this weed hangover, then take the day as a self-care day. Take a hot shower or bath, lay in bed, binge-watch your favorite TV shows, and relax.


Remember this shouldn't last longer than 24 hours so get out and get some fresh air by taking a brisk walk. Do your best to enjoy the day to yourself (if you can) and have a self-care day.


Where to Buy High-Quality Delta 8 Online

So now that you know what causes a weed hangover and some tricks to prevent and combat it, let's look at one last factor in preventing a weed hangover. Whether you choose to use Delta 9, Delta 8, or HHC you want to be sure you get your products from a reputable source.


This is why Everyday Delta only carries the highest quality Delta 8 and HHC products from premier brands like Moonwlkr, 3Chi, Delta Munchies, Cali Extrax and many more. All of these brands' products are backed by full panel 3rd party lab tests to ensure potency and safety so you can enjoy them with confidence.